Bug Bounty Program
A bug bounty is a program, offered by Promoera, by which users of the platform can receive compensation and recognition for reporting bugs, especially those pertaining to security exploits and vulnerabilities.
By implementing this program, Promoera allows its users to earn PR Tokens (PRT) for reporting bugs and preventing incidents of widespread abuse.
What Can You Report?
You can report any weaknesses in the code, typos on the website, issues with logging in to the website, inability to withdraw funds to the wallet, and so on.
How to Report a Weakness?
If you spot a weakness or a bug, please, report it via the Promoera support.
Describe the found issue as explicit and detailed as possible and provide any evidence you might have (screenshots and/or screen recording).
What Will Happen Once You Submit Your Report?
A team of Promoera security experts will investigate your report and will contact you within seven business days to discuss the weakness, how you found it, and follow-up actions.
Take responsibility and act with extreme caution and care. When investigating the matter, only use methods or techniques that are necessary in order to find and/or demonstrate the weakness.
Do not use vulnerabilities or weaknesses for the purpose other than your own investigation
Do not use social engineering to gain access to the system
Do not alter the system in any way
Compensations are sent in PR Tokens (PRT)
The amount of compensation will be based on the severity of the weakness and the potential damages prevented thanks to your report.
*If you believe to found a crucial security issue, please form a detailed Attack Vector using that potential vulnerability, and attach the description to your report letter
Join the OFFICIAL social media of Promoera
TG Chat : https://t.me/promoera_chat
TG News Channel : https://t.me/promoera_com
️ Twitter : https://twitter.com/promoera_com
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/promoera
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/promoera_com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/promoera