Not allowed:
— Porn, adult, or similar content, including provocative/sexual page titles, escorts, glamour/booty pages, sexy girl/boy and sex dating sites
— Med sales and quackery
— Hacking/cracking/warez or any pirate goods
— Race hate or similar, extreme political, in-your-face religion
— Firearms (except antiques)
— Banner, advert, or affiliate "farms", pixel advertising or iFrame farms - or anything generally offensive or likely to bring this site into disrepute
— Links redirecting to other web resources (affiliate redirect links are fine, but not page rotators or misleading download pages)
Hijack scripts, frame-breakers, page rotators, pop-ups, pop-unders are not welcome here - play nice please, don't screw up the system for other members, thank you.
Please don't add Social Media profile pages without a profile picture or content if you want likes and follows, if we think the page has been set up simply to farm likes for onward sale it may be removed.
The following pages are not permitted in Promoera exchange:
- Pages with refresh re-directs.
- A loading time of more than 25 seconds or hanging loads
- Auto-play videos
- Pop-ups or pop-unders
- Break-out-of-frame scripts
Any pages found having these will be removed - any pages with malicious scripting, deceptive practices or misleading links will get page and user banned - you have been warned!
— Porn, adult, or similar content, including provocative/sexual page titles, escorts, glamour/booty pages, sexy girl/boy and sex dating sites
— Med sales and quackery
— Hacking/cracking/warez or any pirate goods
— Race hate or similar, extreme political, in-your-face religion
— Firearms (except antiques)
— Banner, advert, or affiliate "farms", pixel advertising or iFrame farms - or anything generally offensive or likely to bring this site into disrepute
— Links redirecting to other web resources (affiliate redirect links are fine, but not page rotators or misleading download pages)
Hijack scripts, frame-breakers, page rotators, pop-ups, pop-unders are not welcome here - play nice please, don't screw up the system for other members, thank you.
Please don't add Social Media profile pages without a profile picture or content if you want likes and follows, if we think the page has been set up simply to farm likes for onward sale it may be removed.
The following pages are not permitted in Promoera exchange:
- Pages with refresh re-directs.
- A loading time of more than 25 seconds or hanging loads
- Auto-play videos
- Pop-ups or pop-unders
- Break-out-of-frame scripts
Any pages found having these will be removed - any pages with malicious scripting, deceptive practices or misleading links will get page and user banned - you have been warned!
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